How To Monitor UDP

Written by Nick Otter.



If you manage a server that receives or transmits over UDP, how can this be monitored?

Using tcpdump and maybe some wireshark, let’s work it out.

UDP overview

UDP is a transport layer protocol and alternative to TCP. Like TCP it is carried in a single IP packet, but unlike TCP it does not require a handshake between sender and receiver, it is a connectionless protocol. The data is sent without requiring a response on receipt from the receiver.

So, loss tolerant services where data transmission loss is not considered critical will use UDP. Services where if not all data is received, it’s not required to resend that data again such as:

(Yes I just pasted this list in, I hope it’s still helpful though.)

Okay, let’s begin.


Updated 05/2020
Linux Kernel 5.4 RHEL 8 4.18

Overview of UDP tools

Action firewall-cmd netcat netstat nmap tcpdump wireshark
Open, close ports.          
Send UDP packets.          
List all UDP listening ports, port connections, listening programs.        
Sniff packets in console by port, host, hostname/IP.        
Analyse packet capture file dump.          

Sniffing packets with tcpdump

Let’s look at some UDP packets. We’re going to use tcpdump to capture all UDP traffic on a port on an interface. Verbose mode (-v) is switched on to see some additional fields like checksum and ttl.

[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# tcpdump -i lo -n udp port 53 -vv
tcpdump: listening on lo, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
13:20:26.807498 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 35216, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 32) > [udp sum ok] UDP, length 4
1 packets captured
2 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel


Let’s breakdown the output. What can we see? Let’s identify an IP and UDP packet from that output. IP encapsulates UDP, so when listening on a port for UDP you will get both the IP packet AND the UDP packet.

Here’s a breakdown of the separate packets shown in that output.

13:20:26.807498 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 35216, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 32)
IPv4 header fields and values. > [udp sum ok] UDP, length 4
UDP header fields and values.

Understanding dropped packets

Before we move onto what the UDP header fields and values mean, let’s take a quick look at the line 0 packets dropped by the kernel in that tcpdump trace above.

0 packets dropped by kernel Number of packets dropped due to lack of buffer space (read droppped packets section for more.

Packets get dropped due to no having enough buffer space in the kernel to capture them - why not increase buffer size (4069 is KB…):

$ tcpdump -B 4069

Or, pass the -c flag. This sets the number of packets captured. A low number here will now stop the buffer size from maxing out (20 means udp stream will stop after 20 packets have been captured…):

$ tcpdump -ni lo udp -c 20 port 53

Or, you can even save buffer space by stopping tcdump doing unneccessary DNS queries to resolve IPs by using the -n (no lookups) flag:

$ tcpdump -n port 53

Or, why not all three:

$ tcpdump -c 20 -n -B port 53


UDP header values explained

Here’s a diagram of the UDP header structure (see also RFC 768).

Can we see that in the tcpdump trace above? You betcha. And it is relatively straightforward. > Source IP address and port to the left of > and Destination IP address and port to the right of where that packet is being sent to and from.
[udp sum ok] The datagram’s checksum status.
length 4 The packet length (Bytes), not including headers.

Great. What stands out to me there is checksum let’s take a deeper look at what checksum is and UDP checksum values.


Checksum is used to detect errors in the transmitted UDP segment. It is calculated like so:



In tcpdump a UDP checksum match will be shown as [udp sum ok], and a non match as [bad udp cksum 0x224d -> 0x2604!] with the differing bytes shown in the checksum field.


If a checksum error is detected in a UDP sgment the packet will be dropped (discarded) by the receiver.

Analyse UDP over time with wireshark

save output to file

Let’s save the output of tcpdump to a file… no need to redirect to stdout, there’s a flag for it:

tcpdump -c 20 -n -B port 53 -w udp_port_53_log

A capture packet file has now been created:

[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# file udp_port_53_log
udp_port_53_log: tcpdump capture file (little-endian) - version 2.4 (Ethernet, capture length 262144)

To analyse this file, wireshark can be used (reads pcap pcapng files).


Thanks. RF C791, RFC 6864, A beginner’s guide to network troubleshooting in Linux, Verifying which ports are listening and other articles were useful to write this. This was written by Nick Otter.