Answers To Interview Questions

From Aakash Gupta.

I’ve been hired by Google, Epic Games and Affirm to name a few.

Here are the 10 of the trickier interview questions - and how to respond well:

  1. How would you handle a situation where you strongly disagree with the higher-ups’ decision?

• Here’s an example of that • I tried to understand their POV • Then I weighed everything on first principles • I spoke up once more • But ultimately disagreed & committed

  1. How would you react if a project you championed was suddenly shelved?

• One example was when • I took time to think it over myself • Then I consoled affected team members • Then I brought it back up when it was strategically important again 6 months later

  1. Describe a time when you had to persuade a team member who disagreed to adopt your approach. How did you handle it?

• This happened recently • I made sure they felt heard • I also addressed their concerns • Then I re-emphasized the data • This helped them come along

  1. Have you used our product?

• Yes, just yesterday in my prep • I noticed you build for this segment • One feature I felt was particularly well crafted was • I like the direction you all are going in • This job to be done seems very important

  1. What’s a popular belief you feel is misguided?

• One of the most popular beliefs about • The reason I believe that is • The data the speaks to me is • Some people argue • However I feel they are wrong because

  1. Tell me about a time when you had to handle a crisis. How did you navigate it?

• I have navigated many crises • Here is one example • I didn’t run away from the problem • I took the role of a leader • I contributed to the effort to control it • This is how we succeeded

  1. What’s your current compensation?

• I would like to know your range • I am open to a wide range of packages • I care about fit and other factors as well • What is the range for this position?

  1. How do you deal with overwhelming amounts of work?

• That’s always the case in the roles I’m in • I prioritize based on urgency and impact • It has helped me to think in terms of high leverage work • I just recently got good feedback on my prioritization skills

  1. How would you react to many people around you getting laid off?

• I understand these things happen • First I would take time to process my own feelings • Then I would look out for my colleagues still here • And get to work on figuring out how to fill the departed’s gaps

  1. What was the last negative feedback you have received?

• My last feedback was • I acknowledged it as a gift • I got to work improving it • Then I checked in on progress • Here’s how it’s now solved

Of course, these are just template answers to inspire you. Always answer truthfully and bring your personal stories in.

Interviewers these days follow up more than ever. So refer to things you remember the details of. Not ancient history.