How To Monitor Page Cache

Written by Nick Otter.



After reading Brendan Gregg’s Linux Page Cache Hit Ratio, I decided to go down a rabbit hole, try cachestat and look for different tools that could be used to monitor or debug Linux Page Cache. This article will not necessarily be a deep dive into Page Cache itself, more an overview of useful tools available to manage Page Cache on servers.


Updated 04/2020
Linux Kernel 5.4 RHEL 8 4.18

What is Page Cache

To begin, let’s actually talk about what Page Cache is. Simply, it’s memory held after reading files. All regular file I/O happens through the Page Cache. The kernel prefers to keep unused Page Cache assuming files will be read again in the near future, hence avoiding performance impact on Disk I/O  -  read more.

Cache types

N.B. The Page Cache and the Buffer Cache were separate prior to Linux Kernel 2.4 , but now the Buffer Cache simply points into the Page Cache - read more . The Buffer essentially stores metadata of the Page Cache. The Kernel does not have access to the Page Cache, but reads from the Buffer.


Some ways to to monitor Page Cache in memory


File that reports statistics about memory usage, man page.

Contents of /proc/meminfo:

Parameter Description
Buffers Size of memory used as Buffer Cache in kB.
Cached Size of memory used as Page Cache in kB.
SwapCached Size of Swap memory used as cache in kB.
[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# grep -i 'buffer\|cache' /proc/meminfo
Buffers:            3384 kB
Cached:          2049840 kB
SwapCached:            0 kB

Changes to /proc/meminfo after writing 100MB of data to a new file:

< Cached:          2049764 kB
> Cached:          2147564 kB


Reads /proc/meminfo with pretty display, man page.

Output of free:

Column Description
Buffers Size of memory used as Buffer Cache in kB.
Cache Size of memory used as Page and Slab Cache in kB.
[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# free --kilo --wide
              total        used        free      shared     buffers       cache   available
Mem:       10430230     1803927     5910695       41590        3465     2712141     8264724
Swap:        999288           0      999288

Output of free compared to /proc/meminfo:

[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# free --kilo --wide
              total        used        free      shared     buffers       cache   available
Mem:       10430230     1803927     5910695       41590        3465     2712141     8264724
Swap:        999288           0      999288

[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# grep -i 'buffer\|cache' /proc/meminfo
Buffers:            3384 kB
Cached:          2146156 kB
SwapCached:            0 kB


Reads /proc/meminfo with pretty display, man page.

Output of vmstat:

Column Description
Buff Size of memory used as Buffer Cache in kB.
Cache Size of memory used as Page and Slab Cache in kB.
[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# vmstat
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 2  0      0 5762168   3384 2652148    0    0    21    27   48  122  0  0 99  0  0

Some ways to monitor Page Cache used by files


Get Page Cache statistics for files, github.

Output of pcstat:

Column Description
Name Name of file analysed.
Size (bytes) Size of file analysed.
Pages Pages of data for file.
Cached Pages of data for file written to a block device.
Percent Percent of Pages of data for file that have been written to a block device.
[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# pcstat /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
| Name                           | Size (bytes)   | Pages      | Cached    | Percent |
| /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive | 217796096      | 53173      | 286       | 000.538 |

Viewing change in Page Cache using pcstat after writing 100MB of data to file:

  | Name  | Size (bytes)   | Pages      | Cached    | Percent |
< | foo   | 4              | 1          | 0         | 000.000 |
> | foo   | 100000000      | 24415      | 24415     | 100.000 |


Analyse Page Cache for files and directories, github.

Output of vmtouch:

Parameter Description
Files Number of files analysed.
Directories Number of directories analysed.
Resident Pages Pages/Cached.
Elapsed Time to execute.

Output of vmtouch on 100MB file:

[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# vmtouch foo
           Files: 1
     Directories: 0
  Resident Pages: 24415/24415  95M/95M  100%
         Elapsed: 0.005546 seconds

Output of vmtouch on directory /usr/lib:

[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# vmtouch /usr/lib 2>/dev/null
           Files: 21194
     Directories: 3600
  Resident Pages: 133927/382366  523M/1G  35%
         Elapsed: 0.32407 seconds

I also looked at fincore - it’s not being currently maintained and pcstat is a good equivalent.

Some ways to monitor Page Cache performance


Reads /proc/meminfo and calculates Page Cache hit/miss statistics, github.

Output of Cachestat:

Column Description
Time Current time.
Hits Successful reads (of Page Cache).
Misses Unsuccessful reads / insertions into cache.
Dirties Dirty pages waiting to be written.
Ratio % Unsuccessful vs. Successful reads.
Buffers_MB Buffer Cache size in MB.
Cache_MB Page Cache size in MB.
[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# ./cachestat -t
Counting cache functions... Output every 1 seconds.
12:48:12     1554        0        0   100.0%            2       1212

Output of cachestat after dropping Page Cache and running chcksm to rebuild cache on a 100MB file:

[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# cachestat -t
Counting cache functions... Output every 1 seconds.
20:31:06     1570        0        0   100.0%            0        852
20:31:07     1561        0        0   100.0%            0        852
20:31:08     1572        0        0   100.0%            0        852
20:31:09     3048     1102        0    73.4%            0        438
20:31:10     1550        5        0    99.7%            0        442
20:31:11     1149        0        0   100.0%            0        442
20:31:38     1536        0        0   100.0%            0        442
20:31:39     -150     1868        0    -8.7%            0        452
20:31:40     6767    22559        0    23.1%            0        540
20:31:41     1574        0        0   100.0%            0        540

Some ways to tune Page Cache

Dropping Page Cache


Execute this command to drop Page Cache, man page:

$ echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

Results after dropping Page Cache:

[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# cachestat -t
Counting cache functions... Output every 1 seconds.
10:04:42     3887     1095        0    78.0%            0        434
[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# pcstat foo
| Name  | Size (bytes)   | Pages      | Cached    | Percent |
| foo   | 100000000      | 24415      | 0         | 000.000 |
[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# vmtouch /usr/lib 2>/dev/null
           Files: 21194
     Directories: 3600
  Resident Pages: 1590/382366  6M/1G  0.416%
         Elapsed: 1.6036 seconds

Building Page Cache


Reads data and checks for corruption, by reading all Pages of that file are then cached, man page.

[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# pcstat foo
| Name  | Size (bytes)   | Pages      | Cached    | Percent |
| foo   | 100000000      | 24415      | 0         | 000.000 |
[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# cksum foo && pcstat foo
| Name  | Size (bytes)   | Pages      | Cached    | Percent |
| foo   | 100000000      | 24415      | 24415     | 000.000 |

Controlling Page Cache thresholds


Control tendency of the kernel to reclaim memory which is used for Page Cache, no man page available.

Default value of /proc/sys/vm/vfs_cache_pressure:

[root@rhel-8-1 ~]# cat /proc/sys/vm/vfs_cache_pressure

Change pressure:

echo n >>/proc/sys/vm/vfs_cache_pressure.

Thanks. Articles like Buffer Cache and Page Cache, Buffer and Cache Columns In /proc/meminfo, Linux Kernel Development, Linux-fincore To Check Linux Page Cache Usage, File System Cache Analysis, Understanding The Linux Kernel, Page Cache, The Affair were helpful to write this. This was written by Nick Otter.