DevOps Days London 2022
Written by Nick Otter.
We (8x8) attended DevOps Days London 2022 this week. Here are my personal takeaways. For fun and laziness - I am only listing each takeaway as a one liner, to be explored in more depth outside of this post.
- Use PACT (code-first consumer-driven contract testing tool) to test Infrastructure.
- SLA contracts for platform changes that have to pass Dev tests before deployment.
- Platform resources are not considered implicit, there is a feature roadmap.
- User personas for Dev teams, try and group dev needs as user personas.
- Platform repos are completely open to Dev, innersource mentality - dev can PR immediate changes they need if there is too much of a backlog of work.
- Understand Thin platform team or Fat platform team.
Issues with Embedded DevOps
- A dedicated DevOps engineer per Dev team creates Siloing and Code sprawl. Tribal knowledge is required to unify all DevOps individuals embedded in Dev teams.
DevOps transfomations
- Evangelise Operations orchestrating DevOps not Dev movement to DevOps which squeezes out Operations.
- Understand Operations DevOps vs. Cloud Engineer/Platform engineer vs. Embedded DevOps.
Working past ‘DevOps’ as a job title
- DevOps as a job title is far too tenuous.
- ‘DevOps engineer’ may mean working as Operations, much time spent working on Production with some dev tooling.
- ‘DevOps engineer’ may mean acting as an informal Platform Architect.
- ‘DevOps engineer’ may mean being a Cloud Engineer.
DevOps metrics of success
- SLA contracts for platform changes that have to pass Dev tests before deployment.
- CALMS - Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, and Sharing.
- DiRT - Disaster Recovery Test, regular firedrills.
- Be wary of Terraform module dependencies.
- Weekly firedrills, DiRT weekly type events.
- Service can’t go live without thorough documentation and incidence response steps.
- Documentation should pass the ‘3am test’.
- Diverse pool of engineers on call at the same time, primary can escalate to SME.
- Who can fix it in 10mins? Don’t chase your losses.
- ‘Centralised platform architecture to collaborative platform architecture’
- ‘Domain based boundaries for services’
- ‘CUPID idiomatic vs. SOLID’
- ‘An architectural quantum’
- Using Pulumi, single language, single framework with Dev
- Application driven systems, decoupled from cloud provider
- Feature management DevOps.
- Team topologies.
- Flow aligned, complex subsystems.
- Keep deployment configuration in Dev codebase as much as possible
- ‘Open source license auditor, audits most dependended upon open source projects’
Thanks. This was written by Nick Otter.