AWS Network Components

Category Use cases Service Descri­ption
Build a cloud network Define and provision a logically isolated network for your AWS resources VPC VPC lets you provision a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define.
  Connect VPCs and on-pre­mises networks through a central hub Transit Gateway Transit Gateway connects VPCs & on-pre­mises networks through a central hub. This simplifies network & puts an end to complex peering relati­ons­hips.
  Provide private connec­tivity between VPCs, services, and on-pre­mises applic­ations Privat­eLink Privat­eLink provides private connec­tivity between VPCs & services hosted on AWS or on-pre­mises, securely on the Amazon network.
  Route users to Internet applic­ations with a managed DNS service Route 53 Route 53 is a highly available & scalable cloud DNS web service.
Scale your network design Automa­tically distribute traffic across a pool of resources, such as instances, contai­ners, IP addresses, and Lambda functions Elastic Load Balancing Elastic Load Balancing automa­tically distri­butes incoming applic­ation traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2’s, contai­ners, IP addresses, & Lambda functions.
  Direct traffic through the AWS Global network to improve global applic­ation perfor­mance Global Accele­rator Global Accele­rator is a networking service that sends user’s traffic through AWS’s global network infras­tru­cture, improving internet user perfor­mance by up to 60%.
Secure your network traffic Safeguard applic­ations running on AWS against DDoS attacks Shield Shield is a managed Distri­buted Denial of Service (DDoS) protection service that safeguards applic­ations running on AWS.
  Protect your web applic­ations from common web exploits WAF WAF is a web applic­ation firewall that helps protect your web applic­ations or APIs against common web exploits that may affect availa­bility, compromise security, or consume excessive resources.
  Centrally configure and manage firewall rules Firewall Manager Firewall Manager is a security management service which allows to centrally configure & manage firewall rules across accounts & apps in AWS Organi­zation.
Build a hybrid IT network Connect your users to AWS or on-pre­mises resources using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Client VPN solutions establish secure connec­tions between on-pre­mises networks, remote offices, client devices, & the AWS global network.
  Create an encrypted connection between your network and your Amazon VPCs or AWS Transit Gateways (VPN) - Site to Site Site-t­o-Site VPN creates a secure connection between data center or branch office & AWS cloud resources.
  Establish a private, dedicated connection between AWS and your datace­nter, office, or colocation enviro­nment Direct Connect Direct Connect is a cloud service solution that makes it easy to establish a dedicated network connection from your premises to AWS.
Content delivery networks Securely deliver data, videos, applic­ations, and APIs to customers globally with low latency, and high transfer speeds CloudFront CloudFront expedites distri­bution of static & dynamic web content.
Build a network for micros­ervices archit­ectures Provide applic­ati­on-­level networking for containers and micros­ervices App Mesh App Mesh makes it accessible to guide & control micros­ervices operating on AWS.
  Create, maintain, and secure APIs at any scale API Gateway API Gateway allows the user to design & expand their own REST and WebSocket APIs at any scale.
  Discover AWS services connected to your applic­ations Cloud Map Cloud Map permits the name & handles the cloud resources.