How To Boost API Performance

From Saurabh Dashora.

Building APIs is fun until you run into performance issues.

And then no one wants to use your APIs.

The only way out is to improve their performance.

Here are 4 methods to boost your API Performance:

✅ Caching

Caching is your secret weapon to reduce response times.

By storing frequently accessed data in memory, you cut down on redundant processing.

Whether it’s data chunks, responses, or entire pages, caching minimizes server load and maximizes speed.

It’s like having a memory boost for your API!

✅ Load Balancing

One server handling all the requests is a recipe for poor performance.

With load balancing, you can share the load between multiple servers so that no single server is overloaded.

This improves performance and reliability

✅ Async Processing

Sometimes, you can’t solve every problem at the same time.

So, why not park it for later?

With async processing, you can let the client know that the request is accepted but process it later.

This allows the server to take a breather and give its best performance.

✅ Connection Pooling

An API needs to connect to the database to fetch data.

Creating a new connection for each request can degrade performance.

Therefore, use connection pooling to set up a pool of database connections that can be reused across requests.